
© 2021 Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe

Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe is an alliance of com­pa­nies big and small that reflects the diver­si­ty of the Euro­pean expand­ed poly­styrene (EPS) industry.
This web­site is owned and main­tained by

Instinc­tif Partners
Rue du Trône 60
B‑1050 Ixelles

Photo credits


1. Home

Woman with EPS-Box: Storopack

EPS hel­met: HIRSCH Porozell

EPS fish­box: BEWI

2. Why EPS


EPS Box with broc­coli in the field: BEWI

Versatility: Beehives lightbox

Bee­hive: Zerzog

Versatility: Seedlings lightbox

Seedling in EPS: BASF

Hor­ti­cul­tur­al tray: Synprodo

Versatility: Automotive lightbox

Car with dri­ver: BEWI

Versatility: Rescue buoys lightbox

Remote-con­trolled res­cue raft & con­troller: Noras Performance/BEWI

Reliability: White Goods lightbox

Wash­ing machine: Schlaadt

Reliability: Vaccines lightbox

Vac­cine ship­ping in EPS: EUMEPS

Reliability: Food lightbox

Veg­eta­bles in EPS-Box: BEWI

Reliability: Fishboxes lightbox

Ice and Fish in EPS-Box­es: BEWI

Fish in EPS-Box: BEWI

Woman car­ries fish­box­es: BEWI

Reliability: E&E lightbox

TV in EPS pack­ag­ing: Sunpor

3. EPS at a glance


Woman opens EPS Box: Schaumaplast

How EPS is made

White EPS beads: BASF

Work­er piles EPS box­es: Schaumaplast


Mile­stones and video: BASF

COVID-19 vac­cine: EUMEPS

4. Sustainability


Man with recy­cled EPS box­es: BEWI

Case Studies: EPS and beekeeping

Bee­hive: Zerzog

Case Studies: EPS against food waste

Food­box: BEWI

Case Studies: EPS fish boxes

Woman car­ries fish­box­es: BEWI

Mechanical Recycling

Process of mechan­i­cal recy­cling: BEWI

Video Indus­tri­al Recy­cling of EPS: BASF

Video fish­box­es:

Man with EPS Box­es: BEWI

Chemical Recycling:

Chem­i­cal­ly recy­cled EPS pack­ag­ing: Storopack

Video Recy­clin­gloop: Storopack

Video Mold­ing: Storopack