Terms of Use

Welcome to our website.

The fol­low­ing terms of use are applic­a­ble to vis­i­tors of this site. By access­ing or using our web­site, you are agree­ing to com­ply with and be bound by the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions of use, which togeth­er with our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy gov­erns Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe’s rela­tion­ship with you in rela­tion to our web­site. If you dis­agree with any part of these terms and con­di­tions, and any doc­u­ments referred to here­in, you must not access or use our website.

The term Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the own­er of the web­site. The term ‘you’ refers to the users and view­ers of our website.

The use of this web­site is sub­ject to the fol­low­ing terms of use:


We main­tain this web­site to inform the pub­lic about Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe’s actions, pro­grammes and mes­sages in gen­er­al. We aim to keep the infor­ma­tion time­ly and accurate.

The con­tent of the pages of this web­site is for your gen­er­al infor­ma­tion and use only. It is not intend­ed to address the spe­cif­ic cir­cum­stances of any par­tic­u­lar indi­vid­ual or enti­ty. It does not con­sist of pro­fes­sion­al or legal advice.

Smart Pack­ging Europe does not pro­vide any war­ran­ty or guar­an­tee as to the accu­ra­cy, time­li­ness, per­for­mance, com­plete­ness or suit­abil­i­ty of the infor­ma­tion and mate­ri­als found or offered on this web­site for any par­tic­u­lar pur­pose. The infor­ma­tion and mate­ri­als may con­tain inac­cu­ra­cies or errors and we express­ly exclude lia­bil­i­ty for any such inac­cu­ra­cies or errors to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law.

Your use of any infor­ma­tion or mate­ri­als on this web­site is entire­ly at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable.

The infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on the website(s) may con­tain third-par­ty infor­ma­tion and links to oth­er web­sites. These links are pro­vid­ed for your con­ve­nience to pro­vide fur­ther infor­ma­tion. We do not endorse – and can­not be held liable for the con­tent of third-par­ty infor­ma­tion or website(s).

Intellectual property rights

The Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe web­site and social media chan­nels and their con­tents are pro­tect­ed by copy­right. Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed, repro­duc­tion is autho­rised except for com­mer­cial pur­pos­es, and pro­vid­ed that the source is men­tioned and acknowledged.

We do not claim copy­right on any offi­cial doc­u­ment. Copy­rights, if any, of third-par­ty mate­r­i­al found in this site must also be respected.

Personal data

Our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy pro­vides you with trans­par­ent and clear infor­ma­tion about the data pro­tec­tion prac­tices and poli­cies of Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe to let you under­stand, in accor­dance with the applic­a­ble leg­is­la­tion, how and why we col­lect and use per­son­al data. We rec­om­mend you read this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy care­ful­ly, which is avail­able here.

General provision

We reserve the right to mod­i­fy or dis­con­tin­ue this web­site at any time with­out notice and with­out liability.
We may also revise these terms and con­di­tions from time to time by updat­ing this page. The revised terms will take effect when they are posted.


Last updat­ed on 28 Jan­u­ary 2021