Celebrating Xmas with EPS

We bet that you didn’t know that Expand­ed Poly­styrene (EPS) can be used to pro­duce Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions. EPS is a ver­sa­tile and light­weight mate­r­i­al, which is ide­al for pro­duc­ing large snowflakes or even Christ­mas trees.

For instance, you might want to save a tree and opt for a Christ­mas tree pro­duced from EPS. These are easy and fun to assem­ble, con­sist­ing of only a few parts. The whole tree is com­plet­ed by the push-fit tip and a dec­o­ra­tive Christ­mas star. And it’s infi­nite­ly lighter than a typ­i­cal arti­fi­cial tree because EPS is com­posed of 98% air.

EPS can also be mold­ed to pro­duce dec­o­ra­tions such as snowflakes, stars, or rein­deers. These are ide­al for you to self-dec­o­rate. There is even a guide for you to  make your own dec­o­ra­tions. Just grab an EPS globe and sur­round it with a thick string until the whole ball is cov­ered. You will then be able to dec­o­rate your tree with fes­tive baubles.

EPS dec­o­ra­tions are also per­fect for Christ­mas win­dow dis­plays, for exam­ple snowflakes and let­ter­ing of about 15 to 60 cm size, or more.

You can store these items for many Christ­mases to come and reuse them, like oth­er EPS prod­ucts. How­ev­er, if you decide to dis­card them, please do so after remov­ing oth­er mate­r­i­al from them. EPS is sep­a­rate­ly col­lect­ed for recy­cling in an ever-increas­ing num­ber of regions across Europe, such as in Den­mark, Swe­den and the Unit­ed King­dom. This of course also includes any EPS pack­ag­ing that helped in par­tic­u­lar larg­er elec­tron­ics, which you gave or got as a present, arriv­ing safe­ly at your home.

Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe wish­es you a fes­tive hol­i­day period!


EPS can be used to cre­ate Christ­mas trees.
AuthorDaniel Costa