Press release: PolyREC launches RecoTrace, the multipolymer data collection system to record European recycled plastic data

Brus­sels, 16th of Feb­ru­ary — PolyREC has now been recog­nised as an offi­cial data col­lec­tor for the Cir­cu­lar Plas­tics Alliance (CPA). PolyREC will now report on the progress of the entire Euro­pean plas­tics val­ue chain towards the CPA tar­get of 10 Mt recy­cled plas­tics use by 2025 using Reco­Trace data.

PolyREC now calls on all plas­tic recy­clers and con­vert­ers to reg­is­ter their recy­cled plas­tic data into Reco­Trace and, in doing so, ensure trans­paren­cy of the cir­cu­lar move­ment of Euro­pean polymers.

Reco­Trace is the first com­pre­hen­sive data sys­tem to mon­i­tor both plas­tic recy­cling vol­umes and recy­cled plas­tic use for all main poly­mers. The tool pro­vides recy­clers and con­vert­ers with a free-to-use online plat­form to track progress against indi­vid­ual pledges to pro­duce or use recy­cled con­tent and help­ing to demon­strate com­mit­ment towards circularity.

Build­ing on Recovinyl’s 20+ years of data col­lec­tion expe­ri­ence and exper­tise, Reco­Trace inher­its a proven track record and cred­i­bil­i­ty in data mon­i­tor­ing. The sys­tem has now been expand­ed to include all main poly­mers: poly­olefin (PO), poly­eth­yl­ene tereph­tha­late (PET), polyvinyl chlo­ride (PVC), poly­styrene (PS) and expand­ed poly­styrene (EPS), extrud­ed poly­styrene (XPS), polyamide (PA), acry­loni­trile buta­di­ene styrene (ABS) and poly­car­bon­ate (PC).

Please find the press release on this here.


AuthorLea Salihovic