Category | Recycling

The plastic value chain gathers with MEP Engerer to discuss the proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)

The plas­tic val­ue chain gath­ers with MEP Enger­er to dis­cuss the pro­posed Pack­ag­ing and Pack­ag­ing Waste Reg­u­la­tion (PPWR)

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The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)

The Stakes of the Pack­ag­ing and Pack­ag­ing Waste Reg­u­la­tion (PPWR) for the EPS Industry

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EPSolutely Event

EUMEPS and Smart Pack­ag­ing Europe organ­ised the event “EPSolute­ly! Inno­va­tion, recy­cling and the EPS industry’s progress towards circularity” 

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Press release: PolyREC launches RecoTrace

PolyREC launch­es Reco­Trace, the mul­ti­poly­mer data col­lec­tion sys­tem to record Euro­pean recy­cled plas­tic data

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A talk with the new EUMEPS Managing Director: the future of EPS in Europe

Jür­gen gives his vision of the future of EPS in Europe

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Celebrating Xmas with EPS

We bet that you didn’t know that EPS can be used to pro­duce Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions. We can even cre­ate Christ­mas trees with it.

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Ground-breaking facility to sort all household plastic packaging in Sweden

Site Zero will be the world’s most tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced plas­tic recy­cling plant.

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Let’s recycle!

Too many recy­clable mate­ri­als are not re-used across the EU. The efforts of the Cir­cu­lar Plas­tics Alliance (CPA) will boost plas­tic recycling. 

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Lessons from Denmark

EPS is wide­ly used in Den­mark because of the country’s long tra­di­tion of fish­ing and aqua­cul­ture. And Denmark’s recy­cling num­bers just keep on improving.

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Lessons from the Far East

Japan leads the way with inno­v­a­tive ways to get end-of-life EPS to the recy­cling bin. More than 90% of used EPS is recy­cled in the country.

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EPS fish boxes keep fish fresh from port to market

Their light weight, com­bined with supe­ri­or ther­mal insu­la­tion prop­er­ties, reduces the need for cooling.

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